Smart Parking Solutions

Explore Our Solutions


Netpark is a comprehensive parking management system, addressed to municipalities.

ANPR Ticketing Application

The ANPR Ticketing application enables the operator to print proof via portable printer, for a vehicle parked in the parking lot.

Auto Park 2020

Integrated parking management system for residents and hourly customers


Parking Auto Payment

A completed solutions for Parking Management Systems for customers.

Electronic LED Displays

Electronic Displays for Indoor Parking configurations

Parking Barrier ROGEROS

Α high-tech barrier of the Italian company ROGEROS adapted to the requirements of a Parking management system

Parking Guidance System

PGS is here to solve traditional problems with parking management using Ultrasonic Sensors.


Outdoor Parking Geomagnetic Sensor

High Accuracy Geomagnetic Sensor
Model D1015L/N



Parking Guidance System

The Parking Guidance, is fully compatible with the Parking Management System. Info Terminal has CE certification


We offer a completed solution for parking management for VIP customers, (VIP SERVICES) fully compatible with the requirements of the tax code.

Dual Ultrasonic Distance Sensor EM310-UDL

With dual ultrasonic beams, the advanced EM310-UDL measures from 3 cm up to 450 cm, thus has ultra-short blind zone.

CashDro Automatic Payment System

A cutting-edge automatic payment solution offered by VirtualNet

Parking Sensors

Our parking sensors detect

when a car is parked and notify

the system of the available parking

positions. It can be connected to a

terminal according to the number of
